The Sanctuary Model is a trauma-informed method for creating or changing organizational culture in order to more effectively provide an environment within which healing from psychological and social traumatic experiences can be addressed.
WMPC and its partners are embarking on a Sanctuary training and implementation process that aims to help agencies reclaim a culture of hope and innovation.
As a result of our Sanctuary training, we expect:
The set of values that Sanctuary outlines as a way to lead individuals and organizations away from trauma-reactive behaviors
building and modeling safety skills
teaching and modeling affect management skills
building and modeling cognitive skills
creating and modeling civic skills of self-control, self-discipline, and administration of healthy authority
overcoming barriers to healthy communication, reduce acting-out, enhance self-protective and self-correcting skills, teach healthy boundaries
rebuilding social connection skills, establish healthy attachment relationships
restoring hope, meaning, purpose
WMPC is the first performance-based foster care service delivery model in Michigan with the goal of improving outcomes for children.